Monday, January 14, 2008

Tonight we have been jamming to Brandon's red guitar. Camille now wants to play an instrument. I found out today that her dance recital is June 11. Anyone interested is invited. Her costume is Indian themed. Hope everyone is doing well.
Yea, Angie couldn't leave Emmie. Isn't her hair cute! (Angie's) She also had on amazing tiger shoes.

My buddy Shara took these of Olivia and Emmie Orange in Bible class. I think this was Emmie's first time.

There is a required bath immediately after spaghetti.

Is spaghetti night at your house shirtless too?

This is last Sunday. I love to match the girls. I know that I only have a small window of time before they will think it is dorky.

One Saturday, I told the kids that we needed to try the jeep that Skip and Pam Blake bought for Camille when she was Olivia's age. She is just now big enough to maneuver this machine. She really enjoys the radio. Olivia has no problem being the passenger. We were truly inspired by our friend Noah Orange, who got a truck from Santa. It is my dream to have Big Wheel races at the park. We need lots more practice.


Amber Rader said...

Cute pictures...I love seeing the girls in their matching outfits!

Noe Family said...

Hey, how bout a shout out to some of your other friends too! Was this the "Orange post?"