Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Blink of an Eye

Ok, if you ever read my blog, you know that I am more of a "picture poster" than a "thought poster", but I have to tell you what happened to me today......

I work at my girl's preschool on Tuesday/Thursdays. This morning I woke up at 3:45am and couldn't go back to sleep. I am blaming Mucinex DM, but unless I take it, snot pours out my nose all night. I cried for an hour thinking about kindergarten and how fast Camille has grown. Watched the news and saw that highway 114 was blocked this morning due to an accident involving a mail carrier. I took a bath, made pancakes, and went to school on 1709. It took 45 minutes to get Grapevine! It didn' t help when my friend told me 114 was cleared before I left my house:) The good Lord helped me through the day. It helps to work with smiling faces and wonderful children, and it was SO BEAUTIFUL outside. The girls and I left the preschool at 1:00pm. I was so tired and on the phone telling Brandon about a friend at the preschool when all of a sudden....

I see a white car flipping in the median beside me. It all happened so fast. I screamed out to Brandon "what do I do, I just saw a car flip". He told me to pull over and call 911. I pulled over, but it wasn't the safest place to be and cars were still coming from behind me pretty fast. I got out and could hear the lady screaming. I called 911. A cop pulled up behind me as I was on the phone with the operator. Meanwhile about 6 cars had also stopped and people were running to the scene. The Mercedes SUV was in the median, upside down. 12 people, (fat, old, young, skinny) pushed the SUV and flipped it back over. A man gathered the ladies purse which had scattered on the floor. Three motorcycle cops were pulling up and I called out to them, "I am scared that my children are going to be hit, I saw this accident, but may I leave?" The cop pulled out a pen and paper and told me to give him a report. Basically what I remember is that an orange 18 wheeler was in the right lane and the SUV was in the left and the truck merged into the left lane and sent the SUV flipping into the median.

After thinking about this, I am guessing that the SUV was in the 18 wheeler's blind spot, and he didn't see her.

This all happened in a split second. I hope that lady is ok, but I couldn't go to her cause my children were on the side of a highway. I timed the ambulance and it took 6 minutes to get to her.

So my point is, WOW.

1.I am going to really try not to drive and talk on my cell phone.
2.I am definaley not going to text anyone while driving.
3. My grandfather used to own a trucking dealership (the 18 wheeler kind of truck) and he taught me when I was learning to drive to never stay beside a truck. Pass them! Even if you have to speed up! Truckers can not see well out of their mirrors and are probably tired and not looking out for you!
4. I am done with allergy medicene. I need a good nights sleep. So if you see me with bugers in my nose and tissue stuck up my nostrils, know that I am doing it for the good of the highway.

Please say a prayer for this unknown lady in a white mercedes suv.


Melanie said...

Wow...that's crazy!! I'm sure you must have been terrified. We'll say a prayer that everyone is ok.

Amber Rader said...

What a day! I'm surprised I haven't seen more wrecks with all the 30-45 minute drives I do. I hope everyone's okay...and try to get a good night's sleep tonight. I'm sure you'll be replaying this day in your mind for a while!

*Kendra* said...

Whew! Hope you were able to rest after that! Jeremy always says that it's amazing how things happen so quickly!

the campbell family said...

We're so glad that you and your girls are ok! How scary for all of you, especially Brandon since he couldn't be there! We'll keep her (whoever she may be) in our prayers! And my kiddos love you, they always ask when they get to go see "that other lady". We're working on learning your name...

Gina Savage said...

That's crazy! Glad you and the girls are okay. Hope you feel better soon.


Jill said...

Who cares about a few bugers...I'm sure you wipe them off of other little faces all day long! But seriously, I'm really glad that you guys are ok. I can imagine that was really scary!