Friday, January 9, 2009

What now?

I am NOT a reader. In fact, anyone who is reading this is already annoyed by what I am about to say.....

I have finished the Twilight series.

What do I do know?

I have been reading the books during the kids nap times and at night a little. My sister told me she wished she could erase her memory and read them all over again. That would be nice Lauren. I understand where you are coming from.

Not only would I like to brag on myself for actually READING, I would like to take the time to thank my husband for being so supportive of me while I journeyed into weirdoland.


Thank you so much for allowing me to read books at night when we usually watch our TV shows together. That time is special to me and I am sorry that I have not been on the couch, next to you, instead sitting in the chair where the light is better. Thank you for not being mad at me for not doing the dishes, laundry, or sometimes forgetting to flush the toilet when there was a really good part. Thank you for letting me tell you about all the weird things the Cullen family was up to. Thank you for letting me talk about the story to my friends and family and not taking off out the door. Thank you for realizing that Twilight is like Star Wars/Batman/Spiderman/Matrix is to you. Thank you for not making fun of me since I am 26 and reading vampire/romance novels. I love you Brandon! You are so my Edward Cullen, except you are WAY hotter!



Cara said...

So funny!! I heard it was good!

Tasha said...

haha, greatness. thankfully our husbands let us be obsessed for a bit while we finished the series!

Laurie said...

well said sister!

the campbell family said...

uh, i'm jealous! i can't find a copy of the 4th anywhere. see you sunday! love you (give those girls kisses from ms. marci!)

Noe Family said...

I don't know how to comment.....

Summer Dawn said...

I am so with you! I have now experienced two letdowns of this nature -- the first when
i finished the Harry Potter series and then again with the Twilight series. It's sad to know you have grown to "know" these characters and they won't be back.

Bunch of Oranges said...

I mean I haven't read them or haven't even gotten to see the darn movie YET! But I did FEEL a little like I was b/c of your hair transformation and green eyes poppin like some vamp's? :) I love you and all your little quirkies and jerkies!

Muse Moments said...

Another momma friend of mine is also reading them...I love a good book, just not enough time. I wonder if I will ever read a "real" book again!

Shara Smith said...

I am laughing right now because I am so there with you! Thank you for introducing me to the black hole of this book (because I can't stop)!!! :)