Monday, March 23, 2009

Roar Like a Lion

March is blowin in. The weather is good one day, windy the next, cold on the weekend. Luckily we went to Midland for SPRING BREAK! It is always hot there. So hot in fact, that we swam! Below is a picture from my Great- Grandmother's Retirement Home. I meant to flip it.....

This is CoCo. She is my mother's dog. Olivia reminded me of that show Baby Luny Tunes, where Little Elvira (sp??) hugged all the animals too hard. I think CoCo would have loved to have hid from Olivia, but Olivia knows where to look.

Camille rode bikes the whole time.

They both got a new pair of shoes. They were especially proud of them this year.

This picture was taken at a friend's birthday party. I love this picture because I have been caught making this same face in countless pictures.

Camille and her Oranges.

Brandon playing with Olivia.

The Fort Worth Zoo came to our preschool. They brought an owl, snake, parrot, penguin, but this was the favorite. A GIANT dog.

They let the snake slither on the floor. Olivia reached out to grab it! Yikes!

This was the aftermath of our preschool program. Maddox, where are your pants?

I didn't get many good pictures since I was c0-running the show, however this is Camille as a butterfly.

One Sunday after church, when I was smart enough to take our picture......


Becky Lynch said...

SO glad you guys had a wonderful Spring Break! Love your babies! Bring on the wonderful weather!!

Bunch of Oranges said...

Love the family pic! Love eyes closed pic... glad you had fun... even though you were missed :) Can't believe you updated again.. I was surprised... pleasantly :) Love you

Tasha said...

your "about me" section needs updating, the ages/anniversary are now off:)
Oh and please blog more than once/month....thanks!